
Three Jobs, One Passion.

Join me on a journey of balancing a full-time engineering job, family investments, and content creation. Be inspired to pursue your passions and achieve more.

Job #1 - Engineer

Engineering Path

As a full-time engineer, I thrive on solving problems and creating innovative solutions. Discover how my engineering career fuels my passion and drives my commitment to excellence.

Dr Alex Koh

Job #2 - Investor

Investing Future

Family Investments is my side passion where I explore the stock market, making informed decisions to secure a better future for my family. Learn about my strategies and how you can get involved.

Job #3 YouTuber

Creating Content

Through my YouTube channel, I share insights, tips, and motivational content to inspire others. Join me as I share my journey and help you find your own path to success.

Alex Koh Family

My Story


My name is Alex Koh, and my journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. Starting as an engineer, I was fascinated by the mechanics of how things work. This curiosity drove me to excel in my career, but I soon realized that a single income source was not enough to secure a comfortable future for my family.Investing began as a hobby, a way to use my analytical skills in a different field. With just $500, I started exploring the stock market, learning the ropes through trial and error. Those early days were filled with challenges, but each mistake was a lesson, each success a stepping stone. Over the years, my investment portfolio grew, thanks to a systematic approach and a lot of patience.Today, Family Investments is not just a side job; it’s a passion project aimed at helping others achieve financial independence. My journey has been filled with highs and lows, but each experience has made me a better investor and a more resilient individual.

Alex Koh Family.



Balancing three demanding roles—engineering, investing, and content creation—requires discipline and a deep sense of purpose. My YouTube channel was born out of a desire to share my experiences and knowledge with a broader audience. I believe in the power of information and the impact it can have on people’s lives.Through my channel, I offer insights into the stock market, share personal stories, and provide practical advice on balancing multiple careers. It's incredibly rewarding to see the positive impact my content has on viewers, inspiring them to pursue their passions and make informed decisions.The journey is ongoing, and every day brings new challenges and opportunities. My goal is to continue growing, learning, and sharing, helping others find their own paths to success. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Together, we can achieve great things.

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